Wednesday, July 16, 2008

VIDEO: Jay Leno drives the SSC Ultimate Aero, lives

We have a lot of respect for Jay Leno. Not only because he owns some
seriously impressive cars, but because he actually drives them. Sure,
we're a bit jealous, but even more so after watching him drive the SSC
Ultimate Aero, the Guinness-certified
fastest production car in the world. As you might expect, Leno was
initially skeptical of the American-built supercar, but after close
inspection and a stint behind the wheel he was truly impressed. The
video also has some interesting info, including the news that SSC plans
to build more cars -- a 220 mph four-door sedan as well as the world's
fastest "green" supercar. Considering what SSC did with the Ultimate
Aero, we wouldn't put it past them, but we're skeptical nonetheless.
Follow the jump to watch the video.

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